Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's a Girl!!!

We just got home from our ultrasound and getting lunch. The tech said we are having another little princess. Her name will be Charlotte Inez. We are so excited..well, all of us except Abbey. She really wanted a brother, but I think she will come around soon. Yay!

Monday, June 22, 2009

My two gorgeous girls..

First is Abbey, she is 6..going on 30. Her birthday is in October. She starts first grade in August. My little girl is growing up. She is spunky, bossy and all around a lot of fun. She can't wait for the baby to make his/her appearance so she can be all motherly and help take care of him/her.

Next is Chloe, she is 4..and a one gal comedy act. Her birthday is in December and she has one more year home with mommy before she starts Kindergarten. She is very smart and we are working on getting her all ready for school. She just got all her hair cut off into this cute Tinkerbell haircut and she LOVES it.

Ultrasound Scan

We have our 20 week Ultrasound tomorrow. We will find out the sex of the baby. We are happy with whatever God gives us. We have a girl's name picked already, but we cannot decide on a boy's name. For a girl, we have Charlotte Inez. For a boy, we are tossing around various names..Kalel, Atticus, Miles and Oliver.